The blossoms are blooming, the clocks have changed and the weather is warming up (finally). Yang bang! Spring has begun. We are moving out of the dark and cold yin nature of winter into the warming yang season of spring.
In Chinese medicine, spring is represented by the wood element and the colour green which is all about growth and nourishment.
Now is a good time to get that spring back into your step. Start your mornings with a green smoothie or a mint tea. Boost your energy by spending time in nature and embrace the wood element to prepare your mind and body for the increasing warmth of the yang seasons.
Regulating your spring qi is down to your liver meridian where stagnation can be leaving you irritable and angry. If the transition to the warmth is leaving you feeling brooding and resentful then get booked in for a session of acupuncture to bring balance back to your qi.
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