… it brings with it the Fire Element, where warmth, joy and connection thrive. 

As this scorching heatwave engulfs us, the energy of Fire dances in the air, palpable and alive. 

There is a lot to the Fire element and it plays a dynamic role in our lives. It embodies two facets of our Qi: the Outer Fire and the Inner Fire. 

Outer Fire corresponds to the Heart Protector (Pericardium).

It governs how we engage with the external world and choose the people we allow into our lives.

Inner Fire relates to the Heart which rules our inner joy and content.

When our Fire energy is balanced, it enables us to form genuine, meaningful, and intimate connections in life. It governs our social and personal relationships, allowing us to be open and trusting enough to receive warmth and nourishment, while also establishing healthy boundaries to avoid being emotionally or energetically drained.

This is why when our Fire element is imbalanced, the Heart is unprotected and we feel overwhelmed, anxious or depressed. 

Excessive Fire energy can push us to over-stretch in all areas of our life including work, exercise and our social lives. When we constantly seek highs without recognizing our physical and emotional limits we deplete our energy reserves, resulting in burnout and exhaustion. 

On the other hand, if you are feeling persistently cold, lethargic, or weighed down it implies that your Fire energy is not strong enough to energise your spirit. 

Symptoms of an imbalance in your Fire Element could appear in the form of high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, prolonged sadness, joint pain, poor blood circulation, and difficulty concentrating or organising thoughts. 

The good news is, it can be set right through acupuncture. 

Book your session so you can bask in the warmth of the summer with your energy in perfect sync with the Fire element.

You can book for your treatment online here: https://app.10to8.com/book/purehealthacu/

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